Colorama Dracaena (Dragon Tree)
6" Growers Pot
Dracaena marginata 'Colorama'
The name Dracaena is Latin for She-Dragon, hence the name Dragon Tree! It's easily recognizable with it long, sword-shaped leaves. As it ages, it will develop a narrow trunk, making it into a small tree. Colorama features attractive glossy narrow leaves remain green in color with prominent hot pink stripes and tinges of red.
- Light: Indirect Sunlight – This plant needs at least some natural light so place it somewhere with windows nearby.
- Water: Thirsty – This plant can only go 1 to 2 weeks without water so check weekly and water when the top two inches of soil dry out.
- Tips: Like many houseplants, it would rather be too dry than too wet so if you are unsure about whether it needs water, wait a day or two and check again.