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Jurassic Dino Black Tie Begonia

4" Growers Pot

Begonia rex 'Jurassic Dino Black Tie'

This stylish new addition to the Dino lineup boasts a compact, low-growing habit that makes it a showstopper in any setting. With its lush, bushy foliage, each leaf flaunts a striking blood-red hue, edged with a delicate black margin and centered by a bold black spider pattern. Perfect for adding a pop of drama to mixed containers, hanging baskets, or your shady garden beds, ‘Black Tie’ is also a fantastic choice for terrariums, thanks to its neat, compact growth.

  • Light: Indirect Sunlight – This plant needs at least some natural light so place it somewhere with windows nearby.
  • Water: Thirsty – This plant can only go 1 to 2 weeks without water so check weekly and water when the top two inches of soil dry out.
  • Tips: This plant needs well-draining soil. Avoid watering right into the center of the plant as this can encourage mold growth and rot.